31 December 2009

Eternal Rest

"Vi, the rev passed away?"

It was tuesday evening when I received such message from hani. I was practically in agape. 'No, it couldn't be', I thought as I type the rev's name in google, 'it must be another cheap rumor'. But the first result of the search was heart breaking. Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan is found dead in his house due to natural causes. It was true after all, The Rev is no longer in this world.

I was in total shock. Of course, like every other fans of his, I didn't want to believe that he's gone. He was so young, so talented, and he had such a compromising future. He passed away, leaving his wife, his Avenged Sevenfold brothers, and loyal fans. He was one of the best drummers, I believe Avenged Sevenfold will never be the same without him around.

I didn't remember how I become to like The Rev. The only thing I remember is I really, really like him that I named my last laptop with his name (Jimmy). When I first listen their music, I adored Zacky, and slowly I become more interested in The Rev than the mentioned guitarist. Many people love The Rev because they were inspired by the way he played the drums, and drummers looked up to him their role model. Even I myself is not a drummer, I can understand why he is an inspiration to other drummers. Not only he is a great drummer, he is a great song writer too. I especially adore the song 'A Little Piece of Heaven', which he wrote and took vocal in.

I know we should be happy now that he is in a better place, but then why am I so sad? I wish I had met him face to face before. I'm grateful though that I've been to their concert. Now I just can wish that he'll find peace in his little piece of heaven. Goodbye Jimmy, you will be missed. You will be alive as long as your music is heard.

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